Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Net Game

RP vs Broken Drum
Nov 3o, 2005
5:45 PM

RP vs Cucoos Nest

Red pepper brought it's 1-1 record to the BLC and came out a winner. With great play be Jake Brandt the red pepper won in a shoot out.

Box score
Brandt--100 saves

RP vs Merchants

We got our ass kicked 8-3

Box score-who gives a shit

RP VS El Roco (Sioux)

The red pepper came out flying with a great win over the Sioux Power house of the El Roc. The red pepper showed great determination to win the game 6-5 with 10- seconds left. The goal was scored by Eric Tofte and was assisted by the great play of Jimmy Richmond. The player of the game was Jake Brandt, yes he is the ex Sioux and the grad scholar winner of the NCAA. After letting in 5 goals he shut down the El Roco in the third period allowing his team to make a come back win.

Jeff Tellman, GM and Coach, yelled "we became a team today" in the locker room after the game.

The red pepper celebrated with ice cold Coors lights and a few beers at bonzers.

El rock...................................................They ended up skating after the game because skaperud was extremely upset with their play.

Box Score-unknown


we now have a web site for our team so we better play good......